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Diversity and social justice through education and future-oriented discussions.

With EQUALITY 365, I have created an inclusive space in which I discuss and make visible the challenges of equality, equal opportunities, diversity and belonging. I offer four active solutions.


I have an extremely strong sense of justice

As a German, white woman, I can obviously only imagine what it means to experience racism. As a woman and therefore part of the excluded group, I at least know what it means to be discriminated against.

For this reason, after working as a consultant for around 11 years (for the VW Group, Porsche, Siemens Healthineers, Biotronik), I decided to do a Systemic Training course.

With the intention of understanding myself and my colleagues - whether professionally or privately - and »building bridges« for our common good.

»Privilege is too white for me.«

“Injustices divide and harm our democracy.”

Becoming a mother has changed everything

When I became a mother in 2020, I experienced what discrimination means for myself. Because even in the 21st century, equality is more of a buzzword than a lived reality!

Out of this feeling and my new, challenging situation as a mother, I developed a self-taught 15-week online program for career-oriented parents together with a start-up. 

Since my heart's desire goes far beyond the topic of compatibility, I decided to found my company EQUALITY 365 in July 2023. A podcast and my EQUITY ACADEMY Masterclass. With the intention of promoting discourse and imparting knowledge.



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The knowledge podcast for social justice in all areas of life.
I speak to experts and marginalized groups about how we can promote and rethink belonging, equality, diversity, equal opportunities and new work - for a fair, healthy and sustainable society.

And of course it is also about drawing attention to »problems and issues« and putting our finger on the sore spot.

I believe that we can only change something if we make a difference ourselves. We can inspire, sensitize and motivate other people through our actions! For a world in which everyone has opportunities - 365 days a year! ☀️

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»Be future-proof!«



With the EQUITY ACADEMY Masterclass, I will future-proof your company and provide your employees with a sense of purpose.

In VUCA times, it is crucial to foster true equality, sustainable thinking,

and a willingness to reflect. I teach all these factors and much more here.



I want to build bridges

If we succeed in breaking through prejudices and acknowledging our privileges, we can ensure belonging for all people and awaken potentials through empathy.

And I want to support this: through my EQUITY ACADEMY Masterclass for C-level executives and leaders, keynotes, live podcasts, moderation, consulting, and social media collaborations.

"No future viability without diversity."


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